3 Tips on Making Meditation a Daily Practise.
Meditation is a beautiful, gentle and profoundly ancient experience. Treat it that way and give it importance to your day.
1. Same Time, Same Place.
Carve out your meditation as an appointment time in your diary -"Same place, Same time".
That way you are making it a dedicated appointment with no cancellations. You build a natural rythym and you start to look forward to your meditation time. Also look for a time that works for you, that feels good. Mornings are great for some, where as some people prefer night time, just before bed. Feel it out and go with what suits you!
At the same time, it is also best to be flexible in the scenarios where life throws the curve ball. Sometimes, the appointment is going to be missed. In that case, be opportunistic for other moments that present. The best approach is to go with the flow and not repremand yourself for missing a session. Once your practice is established, it's amazing how it becomes a non-negotiable and priority in your day.
2. Setup A Dedicated Space.
Setup an area where you are undisturbed, feel safe and completely comfortable in. Make it a space that you want to be in. Use candles, incense, pillows and blankets so that when you want to meditate you have everything ready to go. Make it inviting and a space you want to spend time in. Have plants, flowers, beautiful artwork, photos of loved ones or happy memories, crystals - what ever makes your soul feel great, have in your dedicated meditation space.
The more inviting the space, the more time you will want to spend in there. It is also a visual reminder everyday of your meditation practise. It also allows you to be opportunistic with your practise - when you have all of your meditation paraphernalia ready to go, it makes it really simple to jump in and meditate when the opportunity arises unplanned!
3. Use memorable and inviting scents.
Using incense in meditation aids in the relaxation of the mind and body. It cleanses and clears your space from stagnant energy whilst also clearing the thoughts and emotions from the busy mind. I always start my meditation practise with burning lose sage leaves to clear the space of any dense energy. I then light my incense to add a sense of ritual. The aroma softly calms my mind and gets me ready for a beautiful meditation practise.