Go Within ~ Learn to Meditate

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This course is designed to kick start a simple meditation practice that resonates with you!

Over 4 sessions we will develop a meditation routine that gives you the confidence to go within daily and become a independent meditator.

A consistent meditation practice allows for less stress and lower anxiety, increased energy and happiness, various improvements in health, concentration, focus, better memory and creativity.

To experience the benefits of meditation, a consistent meditation practice is crucial. To have a consistent practice, the right technique that resonates with you is imperative. 

Through this course, we will work through varied techniques and practices and develop a simple routine that works for you.

Course is is completed via Zoom. Details sent prior to session 1. In the first session we organise the remaining 3 sessions.

This course is a beautiful introduction to meditation. Coming with an open mind and respect to the practise will provide miraculous life changes for your highest and greatest good.

You also receive the Go Within Meditation Guidebook to accompany you through this course and beyond. It covers all course material and is a gorgeous accompaniment to this course.